The possibility of opening a secondary practice in podiatry-chiropody

July 21, 2024
La possibilité d’ouvrir un cabinet secondaire en pédicurie-podologie
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Opening of a secondary practice in podiatry-chiropody

For chiropodists-podiatrists wishing to expand their professional practice, creating a secondary practice is an interesting option. This allows them to meet a growing demand for care in different locations and to diversify their activity. However, this approach requires compliance with a certain number of ordinal formalities to comply with the regulations of the National Order of Chiropodists-Podiatrists (ONPP).

Regulatory framework

The creation of a secondary practice by a chiropodist-podiatrist is strictly regulated by the ONPP. Several conditions must be met to ensure that the opening of a second practice location does not harm the quality of care provided or the integrity of the profession.

Conditions for opening a secondary office

  • Prior request : Before opening a secondary practice, the chiropodist-podiatrist must obtain authorization from the Departmental Council of the Order. This request must be motivated and justified by professional reasons, such as an increased need for care in a new geographical area.
  • Location : The secondary office must be located in a separate location from the main office and allow separate management of the two establishments.
  • Compliance with standards : The secondary office must comply with the same hygiene, safety and compliance standards as the primary office.

Creation procedure

To create a secondary office, several steps must be followed:

  1. Preparation of the file : Prepare a file including a cover letter, supporting documents for the request, and a plan of the secondary office.
  2. Submission to the Order : Send the complete file to the Departmental Council of the Order of Chiropodists-Podiatrists for review.
  3. Review of the application : The Departmental Council reviews the application and may request additional information or organize a visit to the premises.
  4. Decision : The Council makes its decision, which may be an authorization or a reasoned refusal. In the event of a refusal, the chiropodist-podiatrist may appeal the decision.

Sample request letter

[First and last name]
[Zip code and city]
[Phone number]
[E-mail address]

Departmental Council of the Order of Chiropodists-Podiatrists
[Address of the County Council]
[Zip code and city]


Subject: Request for authorization to open a secondary office

Madam, Sir,

I, the undersigned, [First and last name], a qualified chiropodist-podiatrist since [date of graduation], and currently practicing at [address of main practice], hereby wish to request authorization to open a secondary practice located at [address of secondary practice].

This request is motivated by [detail professional reasons: increase in demand for care in the region, need for diversification of activity, etc.].

I am sending you, as an attachment, the complete file including the necessary supporting documents as well as a plan of the secondary office.

I thank you in advance for your attention to my request and remain at your disposal for any additional information.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.

[First and last name]

Opening a secondary practice is an opportunity for chiropodists to meet a growing demand for care while developing their professional activity. However, this approach requires compliance with the procedures and regulations imposed by the Order of Chiropodists to guarantee a compliant and quality practice. By following the appropriate steps and carefully preparing their file, a chiropodist can obtain authorization to open a second practice and thus expand their range of care.

For more information, you can consult the ONPP website here .

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