How to integrate telecare into the practice of chiropodists?

July 21, 2024
Comment intégrer le télésoin dans la pratique du pédicure-podologue ?
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Telecare has become an essential element of medical practice, particularly for chiropodists, making it possible to maintain continuity of care during a health crisis such as COVID-19. This practice, initiated by government decrees, continues to expand and structure itself thanks to new regulations.

Legislative framework

Order of May 18, 2020 (extended by the order of July 10, 2020) :

  • This decree allowed the establishment of telecare for chiropodists-podiatrists. They can thus carry out diagnostic activities (such as hyperkeratosis, warts, ingrown toenails) and foot rehabilitation (excluding the tibiotarsal joint) in relation to a surgical procedure.
  • The relevance of using telecare is determined by the chiropodist himself.

Amendment 5 to the national convention of chiropodists-podiatrists (2023) :

  • Chiropodists can now carry out telecare consultations and request tele-expertise. This extension allows for remuneration for tele-expertise acts, valued at 10 euros per opinion, with a maximum of two opinions per patient per year.

Conditions for integrating telecare

  1. Assessment of relevance : The chiropodist must assess whether telecare is suitable for each patient and each situation.
  2. Communication with the patient : Inform the patient about the nature of telecare, obtain informed consent and ensure that the patient understands the process.
  3. Data security : Use secure platforms to ensure the confidentiality of exchanges and the security of health data.

Procedures that can be performed via telecare

  • Diagnosis : Identification of foot pathologies at a distance.
  • Prescriptions and screenings : Issuing prescriptions and carrying out screenings.
  • Therapeutic education : Advice on hygiene, footwear, and therapeutic monitoring.
  • Follow-up consultations : Monitoring of the healing of chronic wounds and adaptation of the plantar device.
  • Prevention and advice : Raising patient awareness of foot health.

Remuneration for telecare services

  • Rehabilitation of a foot : Valued at the level of an AMP 4.
  • Rehabilitation of two feet : Valued at the level of an AMP 6.

Future prospects

Digital health technologies, such as teleconsultation, artificial intelligence, and health data collection, will profoundly transform the activity of chiropodists. The 3D design of devices and the increased use of these technologies will improve the efficiency of care and the personalization of treatments.

The integration of telecare into the practice of chiropodists offers many opportunities to improve access to care and the quality of services provided to patients. Recent legislative developments and the rise of digital technologies position chiropodists at the heart of the transformation of the health system.

For more information, you can consult the ordinal formalities and recurring questions on the ONPP website here .

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